Please follow @LochPrimary on Twitter (X) to see some of the learning updates from Primary 1/2.
Additional Information
PE days are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and Outdoor Learning day is Wednesday, please ensure your child has a suitable PE kit and weather appropriate clothing including a waterproof jacket and suitable shoes for these activities. Please make sure all of your child’s items of clothing and their belongings have their name clearly labelled on each item.
Our class is part of the Eco Committee this year.
Fruit breaks will continue on a daily basis, please encourage your child to bring a piece of fruit to participate. Plain water in a suitable bottle is permitted within the classroom, please note, no fizzy drinks, diluting juice and flavoured waters in class.
Homework will be issued every Monday to be return by Friday and will include weekly Literacy and Maths tasks as well as occasional tasks from other curricular areas.